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Reading: John 3:14–21
RCL: Lent 4  LFM: Lent 4  BCP: Lent 4  LSB: Lent 4 Legend
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Choosing Life


John 3 has for many of us acquired heavy overtones of trite moralism and a particular understanding of salvation. A closer look shows Jesus addressing our sense of futility, with a bracing call to choose life.

            Alice and Glenn had been married for about five years. The marriage had started off well enough, but a big promotion forced Glenn to become more absorbed in his work ... and on his days off, he loved skiing and hiking, which didn’t interest Alice. She, in her turn, became more involved in her own activities that weren’t shared with her husband. They grew increasingly apart.

            One Saturday Glenn went off to work and Alice stayed home. Sad about the state of things, she decided to shop for fresh food, clean the house, bring out the best china and candles and prepare a gourmet meal for Glenn. He came home to a feast. He was appreciative, but in a dull kind of way.

            After dinner, Alice moved to the couch and picked up their wedding album. She asked Glenn if he would like to snuggle close and look at it together. And that was just too much for Glenn. He confessed that he had not been working, but had spent the day with his girlfriend of almost a year. Unable to live the lie, he moved out that evening.1

            Alice’s attempt to rekindle love and intimacy became a moment of truth for Glenn. She didn’t realize it, but she had put a spotlight on what was happening in their marriage and in his life; and that light forced him to choose. He couldn’t just go on living two lives at once. He had to decide which was his truth and go with it.

            In another relationship, or at a different time in this one, say eight months earlier, Alice’s action might have had a totally different effect. Glenn might have been shocked into realizing there was something worth saving here, might have been

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