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Reading: Mark 10:46–52
RCL: Proper 25  LFM: Ordinary Time 30  BCP: Proper 25  LSB: Pentecost 21 Legend
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Blinded Faith


Bartimaeus’ faith was affected by his physical challenges. He was blind and his faith was blinded. He did not have blind faith, but rather blinded faith. Blinded faith comes from need, from desperation, from pain and struggle and from injury … and Bartimaeus was both injured and desperate. His blinded faith frantically led Bartimaeus to find what Jesus had to give.

A sudden painful toothache caused a woman and her husband to interrupt their vacation to visit a dentist. “I want a tooth pulled,” the woman said, “and I don’t want Novocain or painkiller because I’m in a big hurry. Just extract the tooth as quickly as possible, and we’ll be on our way.”

            The dentist was taken back by her insistence. “You’re certainly a courageous woman,” he said. “Which tooth is it?”

            The woman turned to her husband and said, “Show him your tooth, dear.”

            It’s easy to take risks, when the risks involve someone else’s life or well-being. But are we as willing to come forward when we are the one who is vulnerable?

            We build walls around ourselves and try to stay safe. We get comfortable in our humdrum lives and don’t like it when someone changes things, even if our present existence is somewhat miserable. At least we’re familiar with it and know what to expect. The truth is, for better or worse, life constantly changes all around us, and in our attempt to protect ourselves, we may actually block out blessings that come our way.

            When she heard an unexpected knock on the door, Mrs. Wilson looked through the peephole and asked, “Who’s there?”

            “Parcel Post, with a package for the Wilsons.”

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