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Reading: Isaiah 11:1–10
RCL: Advent 2  LFM: Advent 2  BCP: Advent 2  LSB: Advent 2 Legend
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Becoming Ambassadors of God’s Abundance


Isaiah offers a profound and poignant vision of hope to ground God’s people to live as ambassadors of God’s future abundance to the world. Isaiah’s words inspire all, especially those who may presently be struggling, to find renewed hope and purpose in God.

Robert woke up in his bedroom alone and anxious. It had been another long night of restlessness. His marriage of 17 years had recently ended. His wife had left him and his daughters and moved to another state. The process of divorce had been devastating, and he often was fearful for his present and full of worry about the future. Just getting out of bed was sometimes the biggest accomplishment of the day.

            On this particular morning, though, he had a breakthrough moment that would change his outlook and begin the process of healing. As he lay on his side, he noticed the sun’s morning rays peeking through the blinds. Seeing the sun filled him with a sense of hope. He thought to himself, “Since the sun rises up every morning, I will rise up too.” He thanked God for this simple revelation and realized that just on the other side of the darkness in his life was a shining sun waiting to rise and bring with it a beautiful blue-sky day.

            Robert’s circumstances didn’t change instantly that day, but in that moment, he recognized that God was not finished with him and that there was a future waiting for him.

            Author and psychologist Wayne Dyer often says, “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.”1 When God helped Robert to expand his vision to see a future, his present circumstances stopped holding him hostage and he began to move forward to live the life that God desired for him.

            How many of us find ourselves today bogged down in the junk of our lives? Perha

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