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Reading: Luke 19:1–10
RCL: Proper 26  LFM: Ordinary Time 31  BCP: Proper 26  LSB: Pentecost 23 Legend
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Be Careful Climbing Trees and Attending Church


Perhaps Zacchaeus wanted a controlled experience with Jesus, safe in a tree, where he could encounter Jesus, but not become vulnerable. Perhaps we come to church wanting a safe experience with God, comfort without challenge. Our encounter with the risen Christ is beyond our control, and may transform us in ways we didn’t expect.

            I wonder what Zacchaeus wanted when he climbed that tree. He knew that Jesus was passing through Jericho and wanted to see him. With the crowd so huge, Zacchaeus couldn’t see over them. When he climbed the tree, was he just curious about this traveling miracle-worker? Did he want a glimpse of the man who was creating such a buzz? Was a glimpse of Jesus simply a momentary distraction, a bit of excitement in an otherwise routine day? Did Zacchaeus want something more out of seeing Jesus? Did he hope that perhaps seeing Jesus would bring him a little bit of peace, some comfort? Was climbing the tree to see Jesus like rubbing Buddha’s belly for luck? When everyone else hates you, you will do anything to feel better. Maybe seeing Jesus would make Zacchaeus feel better. Maybe for just a moment he wanted to feel part of the crowd, as though he fit in. Maybe he didn’t quite know why he climbed the tree. Whatever his reason, whatever his mixed motives, we can be sure that when Zacchaeus climbed the tree he didn’t expect what happened.

            Did Zacchaeus know the danger of climbing that tree? When he was a boy, did his mother tell him to be careful climbing trees? It can be dangerous. Even grown men can fall out of trees, resulting in serious injury. Zacchaeus finds that climbing trees can be dangerous for reasons other than broken bones. After he climbed that tree, his life changed forever. Climbing that tree cost Zacchaeus half of all he owned.

            Something happened to Zacchaeus up in that tree. He may have wanted only a glimpse, but he received something that penetrated to his soul. Luke doesn’t tell us how Jesus knew Zacchaeus’ name, but h

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