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Reading: John 13:1–17
RCL: Maundy Thursday  LFM: Holy Thursday  BCP: Maundy Thursday  LSB: Maundy Thursday Legend
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A Foot-Washing without Water


Jesus calls us to experiences of being cleansed and of serving others. We resist both experiences. If we open ourselves to this call from Jesus, we will discover the joy of forgiveness and the meaning of service.

            Which do we find more difficult, to act as a servant to another person, or to be served? Before we answer too quickly, let’s think for a second. We may assume that being served comes far easier than serving, but we should not answer in too much haste. Being served can make us feel special, but it can also make us feel uncomfortable. If someone buys us a present, but we have nothing for that person, we feel chagrined. If someone does us a favor, we may feel as though we owe him or her one. Perhaps the worst feeling is becoming totally dependent on another person. We are helpless to take care of ourselves. We feel guilty to impose on others. Being served is not necessarily so easy.

            On the other hand, serving sounds like a chore at first. We don’t like hard work. We may resent the person we have to serve. Yet service can make us feel good inside. If we feel as though we have helped another person, we like that experience. We don’t want the work to be too hard, or to cost us too much, but we like helping other people. Serving or being served can be a blessing or a burden.


Foot-washing as part of the farewell discourse

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