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Reading: Matthew 23:1–12
RCL: Proper 26  LFM: Ordinary Time 31  BCP: Proper 26  LSB: Pentecost 23 Legend
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Where Does Humility Come From?


Genuine, healthy forms of humility derive from spiritual growth that makes us into “good trees.” We become humble out of gratitude for what God has done, and because it brings us true joy.

            The matter of living a Christian life comes more easily for some than for others. That is not necessarily a judging statement. Some of us have a lot to plow through to find the resources to live a Christian life. Perhaps the fact that we have come here to this church means that at some level we want to live a life more faithful to the example of Christ.

            Matthew, the gospel writer, wants to help us out. In many ways, the Gospel of Matthew understands Jesus as a teacher. The Sermon on the Mount near the beginning of Matthew provides teaching on how to live as a Christian. The sermon teaches us how to pray, to love, to practice discipline. Jesus continues teaching throughout the gospel.

            Our efforts to live a Christian life usually begin after we have heard and absorbed the message that God has forgiven and blessed us. The Sermon on the Mount begins with a series of blessings. Once we let these blessings wash over us, we begin to respond by leading a Christian life. We don’t lead a Christian life to earn God’s favor, but in response to God’s grace.

            Early on, using the language of the prophet Isaiah, Matthew tells us that Jesus was the light that shown in the great darkness.1 Jesus tells us that in his ministry, the kingdom of heaven has come near.2 God has taken the initiative to reach out to us in love, with healing and salvation. We respond in our lives.


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