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Reading: 1 Peter 1:17–23   (Verses 17–21 for LFM)   (Verses 17–25 for LSB)
RCL: Easter 3  LFM: Easter 3  BCP: Easter 3  LSB: Easter 3 Legend
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A Way to Holiness


Peter’s first letter to the churches gives great teaching around his call to holiness. Our task is to let this teaching influence and shape how we live Christian lives among unbelievers.

            A quick Google search identified 35 groups active in the United States today with titles ending with the word “Anonymous.”. Some of them we recognize easily: AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), Al-Anon (for friends and families of alcoholics), NA (Narcotics Anonymous), and GA (Gamblers Anonymous). Others may surprise us: CLA (Clutterers Anonymous), FAA (Food Addicts Anonymous), SA (Sexaholics Anonymous) and WA (Workaholics Anonymous).1 All of these groups grew out of the recognition that it is very hard to conquer entrenched habits and lifestyles that we recognize as harmful in our lives. Millions of people have overcome serious addictions through faithful participation in these kinds of groups.

            The fact is, however, that many of us, or perhaps most of us, face problems and issues in our lives for which no Anonymous group exists. There is a familiar phrase, “Old habits die hard,” that has been around for a long time. This phrase has made it into dozens of songs, including one in the movie, Alfie, where Mick Jagger sings a song by the title, “Old Habits Die Hard.” The phrase appears, in addition to in the movie, in both country songs and rock and roll lyrics. Why is the phrase so popular? Because it rings true. Old habits do die hard.

            That’s particularly true when we think about people who have committed their lives to God. Peter, writing in his first letter to the “exiles of the Dispersion,” wanted to show people “living hope”2 that God gives them and, as a result of that hope, call them to holiness.3 The good news is that along with the call to holiness, Peter offers a way to get there.


A Call to Holy Living (1 Peter 1:13-16)

            Peter begins his instructions by telling them, “Therefore, prepare your minds for action.”4 Peter realized they could not expect to easily meet the challenges of being first-generation Christians in a hostile environment. Being a Christian is a life-long commitment. And part of that commitment is knowing that we must be actively engaged in living this life. Preparing our minds for action implies several things. Action, so our understanding of who God is will grow as we learn; action, so we will be looking for ways to serve and love God and to serve

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