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Reading: Luke 15:1–10
RCL: Proper 19  LFM: Ordinary Time 24  BCP: Proper 19  LSB: Pentecost 14 Legend
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Welcome to My World


The stories of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin represent two-thirds of a trilogy of parables completed by the parable of the Prodigal Son. The first and third parables tell us something about God, to be sure, but the middle parable involving women, a lost coin and living successfully above the poverty line is set in our world. The Real World.

            There’s a funny thing about blockbuster movie trilogies: The opening installment gets all the buzz, while the closing segment gets the great ending as well as all the awards.

            But the middle installment is problematic. The second film has to do all the heavy lifting, keeping the story moving while complicating the plot, without the payoff of a real ending. And when it comes to the critics, the middle part doesn’t always get the respect it deserves.

            Today’s scripture includes parts one and two of a blockbuster trilogy of parables. The parables of the Lost Sheep and the Prodigal Son (the subject of another sermon) are celebrated with whole libraries of books and museums full of art.

            But the middle installment — this parable about a woman in a tizzy who turns her house upside down looking for a misplaced coin — is the most down to earth, because it’s set in our world, the place where we live!


Same planet, different worlds

            It goes without saying that the prodigal son’s father is rich. His wealth is obvious. He employs many others. He has clothing and jewelry to give away. Even after giving the younger son his share, the older son is still managing a large estate.

            Likewise, the man who goes out looking for the lost sheep is not just a shepherd, he’s a sheep owner. In an era when many shepherds were hirelings, watching the sheep of others, anyone who owned 100 sheep is well off.

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