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Reading: Luke 1:39–45   (Verses 39–49 for BCP)
RCL: Advent 4  LFM: Advent 4  BCP: Advent 4  LSB: Advent 4 Legend
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The Gifts Given Before the First Christmas


Two remarkable women, each carrying a miraculous child, meet. That meeting leads to prophecy and joy and blessings. God’s word and blessings come to us in many ways, and when we are faithful and obedient, God uses us to bring his message to a world desperate for hope and peace.

            It’s a tradition in some households. Quietly and unobserved, members of the house go looking to find where the Christmas gifts have been hidden. When (not if) they find the stash of presents, they go to great lengths to figure out what’s what and which presents are for which people. One man recounted a Christmas years ago when he and his brother, both musicians in the high school band, exchanged gifts. One brother said before opening, “Oh, this must be a new mute for my trumpet.” It was. The other brother said, also before opening, “Oh, this must be the new music stand I need.” It was. Another year, they each gave the other the same Beatles Abbey Road LP, which they both knew about ahead of time. 

            Gift giving is an honored Christmas tradition. Today I want us to look at some very important gifts given before the first Christmas.


Luke’s list of gifts

            Matthew and Luke both include accounts of Jesus’ birth. Matthew’s account in the first two chapters gives us Jesus’ genealogy, it tells of the birth, the visit of the Magi, the family’s flight to Egypt and their return to Nazareth. Matthew shows, at various places, how these things fulfilled prophecies given by Jeremiah and others.

            Luke has more details and provides more of “the rest of the story” leading up to the first Christmas than Matthew. One way to look at Luke’s account is to see the “gifts” given and received leading up to Jesus’ birth.


God’s gift to Zechariah and Elizabeth

            The first gift Luke tells us about seems, at first look, unrelated to Jesus. But, as we shall see, it is indeed part of Jesus’ story well beyond the first Christmas. After his introduction, Luke tells about a priest named Zechariah and his wife, Elizabeth. Luke’s description of them says, “Both of them were righteous before God, living blamelessly according to all the commandments and regulations of the Lord. But they had no children, because Elizabeth was barren, and both were getting on in years.”1

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