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Reading: Mark 10:2–16   (Verses 2–9 for BCP)
RCL: Proper 22  LFM: Ordinary Time 27  BCP: Proper 22  LSB: Pentecost 19 Legend
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Welcome the Child


Jesus welcomes children: both literal children and the inner child in all of us.

            A family was seated in a restaurant. The server took the order from the adults, then turned to their young son. “What will you have, young man?” she asked.

            “I want a hot dog.”

            “No hot dog,” the mother interrupted. “Give him the boneless chicken fillet, the mashed potatoes, some vegetables ...”

            Ignoring her, the server turned to the boy. “Ketchup or mustard?” she asked.

            “Ketchup,” he replied, a happy smile on his face.

            “Comin’ right up,” the server said, and headed off for the kitchen.

            Among the adults at the table, there was stunned silence. After a moment, the boy turned to his parents. “Know what?” he said. “She thinks I’m real.”


Yes, children are real

            Jesus thought children were real. Today’s reading from Mark makes that clear. 

            A little earlier in Mark’s gospel, the disciples were arguing among themselves over which of them was the greatest. (Isn’t that what most arguments are about, when it comes right down to it?)

            When Jesus heard about this, he called them together and gave them this hard teaching: “Whoever among you wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all.”1 

            Then Jesus called over a little child. Taking the child into his arms, he said, “Whoever welcomes one suc

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