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Reading: Matthew 25:14–30   (Verses 14–29 for BCP)
RCL: Proper 28  LFM: Ordinary Time 33  BCP: Proper 28  LSB: Pentecost 24 Legend
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What Is a Talent Worth?


Not one of us is a “worthless slave” in the eyes of our Creator, who made us and called us “very good.” God did not make us to set us against each other or order us by worth. God did not make us to throw us away. God loves us all and we should treat each other like siblings.

            When Covid-19 forced communities into quarantine and governors issued “stay-at-home” orders, our lives became unpredictable. It was in these circumstances that an executive from a large retail outlet, able to work from her home office during the pandemic, arranged for home grocery delivery for a homeless family. This family was fortunate to receive a temporary apartment home from a social service agency so that they could stay together and safely observe “social distancing” directives and not be crowded into large shelter spaces. The father in this family had been working at a warehouse as a fork-lift operator even while the family experienced homelessness. But as contracts for his place of employment began to dry up, so did the work, and like millions of other Americans, he lost his job.

            The groceries were an unexpected grace for this family. Although many people were avoiding grocery stores to stay away from unnecessary crowds, this family did not have a car, and had no money to buy groceries or gas even if they’d had one. They had been eating whatever staples they could get from food banks, but even these items were becoming scarce. The fresh fruits and vegetables delivered from a local grocery store at the command of a retail executive was a special treat for a family who hadn’t seen a fresh apple or pear in weeks.

            Delivery service was once a luxury available only to those who could afford to pay extra. The retail executive knew how to quickly order these items because she’d used the same service for her family many times before the pandemic took hold. Now delivery services seemed like the best way to safely get groceries for a hungry family. But it was only safe for those inside their homes, clicking away at their computers. The delivery person was a gentleman living with HIV. If he contracted Covid-19, it would almost certainly kill him, but he didn’t have health insurance and couldn’t afford to quit his job. So, he packed the bags of groceries and delivered them to families in their homes at personal risk to himself.

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