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Reading: Matthew 5:1–12
RCL: Epiphany 4  BCP: Epiphany 4  Legend
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Blessed, but Who’s Counting?


Jesus doesn’t want us to be happy because we’ve counted our blessings. He wants us to know we are blessed, and to live that blessing.

            It had been years since he’d last been home. First, Jason went out of state to college. Then there was the computer-programming job he landed after graduation. He stuck with it for a few years, learning the ins and outs of the software industry. Then he joined a couple friends in starting a company.

            Together they rode the dot-com bubble till it burst. They lost big in the Silicon Valley crash, but they didn’t lose everything. A few years later they were back, stronger than before.

            By the time he reached his mid-30s, Jason was a millionaire (at least on paper). That wasn’t all that impressive in the circles he frequented, but it made him a rock star back home.

            Jason’s dirty little secret was that he’d earned big, but he also spent big. His balance sheet looked impressive, but he was chronically short on cash. Some months he had trouble making his credit-card payments.

            Then the news came that Jason’s mother was sick. She was in the hospital: heart catheterization, possible bypass surgery. He hopped the next flight home — first-class, using frequent-flyer miles, of course — and found himself seated in a vinyl-covered chair at the foot of his mother’s bed, watching the jagged, multi-colored lines dance across the heart monitor.

            His mother was glad to see him, and he was glad to see her. “I’ve stayed away too long,” he confessed, with a sigh.

            “I know,” she replied.

            “I’ve done well for myself,” he said, as if some justification were needed.

            “I know that too. I’m proud of you.”

            Then his mother asked the question that stopped Jason in his tracks: “But are you happy?”

            Jason realized, with a shudder, that he didn’t know how to answer.

            It’s a fictional story, but its details are real enough. Lots of people today are chasing dreams of happiness so furiously that the chase itself has become everything. The goal is like the electric rabb

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