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Reading: Matthew 1:18–25   (Verses 18–24 for LFM)
RCL: Advent 4  LFM: Advent 4  BCP: Advent 4  LSB: Advent 4 Legend
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Judgment vs. Compassion


The pregnancy of Mary was a surprise to Joseph, and it could have led to judgment. But Joseph made a compassionate choice, one that can guide us today.

            Harley Camden was a man in his 20s, on an archaeological dig in the Galilee region of Israel. A warm breeze caused a grove of pine trees to sway gently, and a pair of birds flew in easy circles above him in a cloudless sky. He spent the day working near a young woman named Leah Silverman, enjoying playful banter while sifting dirt in the search for ancient coins and shards of pottery. Harley enjoyed looking at her across the sifter, and he loved to make her laugh.

            When the workday was over, he returned to his dorm for a nap. Dozing off, he was visited by a wingless but clearly supernatural messenger who told him that Leah was pregnant. Harley was shocked, since the two of them were not a couple and he was not aware that she was romantically involved with anyone. Pregnant? How could that be? Then the angel said, “Harley, do not be afraid to take Leah as your wife.”

            What? That was more unexpected than an unplanned pregnancy. “She will bear a son,” said the messenger, “and you are to name him Jesus.”

            When Harley awoke from sleep, he pondered whether the angel was speaking the truth or not. Never before had he received a message from God in a dream. He wondered, What would Leah say if I approached her and asked if she were pregnant? Would she marry me? Would she even consider raising a child with me?

            Harley wrestled with these questions as he lay in bed. Justice was important to him, as was personal responsibility, so he thought Leah should be held accountable for her unplanned pregnancy. But he also had compassion for her and didn’t want to embarrass her. Wrestling inside him were the virtues of justice and love, fighting for dominance inside Harley just as they had battled inside Joseph.1


Judgment and compassion

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