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Reading: Luke 13:10–17
RCL: Proper 16  Legend
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The Power of “Thou Shalt”


Obedience to God’s law is about more than avoiding certain behaviors; it’s about seeking wholeness and transformation.

            The old-timers among us will remember the television personality Art Linkletter. His interviews with children on his TV show House Party put surprising twists into, well, just about everything. Here’s an interview he conducted with a child on the subject of biblical nonviolence:


Art: What are you learning at school that you can tell us about?

Child: They teach you not to fight with your friends.

Art: How do they do that?

Child: They read from the Bible, where Jesus says, “Thou shalt not kill.”

Art: I’m happy to hear that they’ve stopped the killing on the playgrounds this way. But tell me, have you been punished lately?

Child: Yes.

Art: What for?

Child: Hitting a kid in the face with a cupcake.

Art: Why did you do that?

Child: It’s not in the Bible.1


            There are two time-honored ways of looking at the scriptures that go all the way back to the time of Jesus. There were two schools of thought in those days: one represented by the great Rabbi Shammai, and another by his arch-rival, Rabbi Hillel. The divisions between them persist in Jewish thought to this day.

            They even persist in Christianity, if you dig deep enough.

            Regarding the Mosaic Law, Shammai taught, “If it’s not in the Law, it is not permitted.” Hillel, on the other hand, had a more moderate view. He said,

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