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Reading: Luke 12:49–56   (Verses 49–53 for LFM)
RCL: Proper 15  LFM: Ordinary Time 20  BCP: Proper 15  LSB: Pentecost 10 Legend
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Jesus the Arsonist?


Jesus and his call for repentance and announcement of God’s kingdom bring about a crisis: the need to decide for him or against him. Each person must make that decision, while recognizing that it is God who makes it possible for us to make the right decision.

            “I came to bring fire to the earth,” to set the world ablaze, the man cries. He speaks about baptism, and his hearers might think of Old Testament readings about being overwhelmed by the waters. He says that he has come to bring division, to set family members against one another. It sounds like the language of terrorists, of people who will ruin the world if they can’t rule it.

            But the one who is speaking is Jesus, the one who is supposed to be the Prince of Peace. “Love your enemies,” he told people; and “My peace I give to you,” he would say to his disciples.”1 The contrast between his proclamations of peace and his words about fire and division make us want to challenge him. Why are you offering us peace and then telling us that war is coming?

            But there is nothing to be gained by challenging Jesus. His words will remain as his challenge to us. “You know how to interpret the appearance of earth and sky” — that is, to read the weather for when storms are coming — he says a few verses later. “Why do you not know how to interpret the present time?”2 Why are you unable to understand the meaning of the fire that is coming? Don’t you want to understand?


The decision that cannot be avoided

            Jesus came to proclaim the peaceful reign of God and to make it possible for people to share fully in shalom, th

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