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Reading: Mark 3:20–35
RCL: Proper 5  LFM: Ordinary Time 10  BCP: Proper 5  LSB: Pentecost 3 Legend
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No Take–Backs?


Being a part of Jesus’ family means doing the will of God. Living a life of faith provides evidence of the Holy Spirit living within us.

            A despicable fad arose in the earlier part of this century, prompted by some prominent atheists. According to an article published by ABC News in January 2007, a movement called the “Rational Response Squad” issued the “Blasphemy Challenge,” based on a literal reading of one of the verses for today, Mark 3:29. That verse says, “Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit can never have forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin.”

            Believing they were saying something that could not be taken back, people began making videos of themselves saying that they denied the Holy Spirit or that the Holy Spirit and God did not exist. These videos were then posted to YouTube or other sites and promoted by the Rational Response Squad. Religious leaders were most distressed by the Squad’s targeting of young people, advertising the Blasphemy Challenge in magazines geared toward teens, like Tiger Beat.


A total misinterpretation

            There are several things wrong with the Blasphemy Challenge besides the fact that it might be, well, blasphemous. Why would you even bother to dare a deity you don’t believe exists to this sort of insane battle of wills? Doesn’t doing something that Jesus said not to do, in some way, give credence to what you are trying to deny?

            Perhaps most frustrating about this whole thing is that it is a total misinterpretation of Jesus’ words. He was not speaking to 21st-century teenagers when he spoke those words. This verse is part of a longer account. It cannot be interpr

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