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Reading: Proverbs 31:25–28
RCL: Mothers Day  LFM: Mothers Day  BCP: Mothers Day  LSB: Mothers Day Legend
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A Happy Mother’s Day? Maybe you’ll decide that!


Often times, in the typical family, the loftiest intentions and hopes we hold fall apart the most dramatically at crucial and significant times Mother’s Day can be like that. Set aside the flowers or corsages or chocolates or cards we may present mother on her day - for a moment, and let’s spend some down-to-earth moments on what Mother’s Day can actually be like, and our part in making that happen. Perhaps, beyond the “Happy Mother’s Day” wishes we impart, whether it is or is not happy for her will depend to a large extent, on us - on you!

“A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies ... she speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction are on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household ... Her children arise and called her blessed; her husband also praises her; ‘Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.’ Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised...”


Omit the usual Mother’s Day disclaimers

In this Mother’s Day sermon, we are intentionally going to omit the usual dis­claimers about observing the day with less than wholehearted endorsement and enthusiasm. Almost every sermon you will hear or read about this day expresses caution; advises reservation; approaches the topic with something less than total endorsement. We aren’t even going to discuss the manifold possible reasons for this, except to add the one we’ve never seen addressed: The preacher’s own dis­comfort about stepping on toes or offending someone without first making some disclaimers. Mother’s Day is in! Moms are God’s idea!

Our Lord and Creator will take full credit for the institution of motherhood. On this 108th observance of the day, let’s devote ourselves, instead, to the practical response of our hearts and lives to God’s institution, attempting to evaluate if ours, currently, is just a “house” or, hopefully, a “home” wherein the love of Christ dwells and is lived out.

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