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Reading: Mark 12:28–34
RCL: Proper 26  LSB: Pentecost 23 Legend
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Just Give Me the CliffsNotes Version


When asked to summarize his teaching, Jesus says we are called to love God and love people. One without the other is incomplete.

            Those who were high school students in the days before the Internet may remember combing through a rack of CliffsNotes at the local bookstore, looking for the title of the novel assigned in English class. Those little, inexpensive books helped many get through difficult classes.

            Chapter by chapter, CliffsNotes offered expert commentary on themes, plotlines, characters, symbolism and even some historical background of novels like Moby Dick and Animal Farm. When it came time to study for a test or write a paper, all the basic information needed was there.

            CliffsNotes were great study aids, but some were tempted to misuse this resource. Rather than reading the work assigned, some read “the CliffsNotes version” by reading the thorough chapter summaries in the little study guide. The information was so good, and the commentary so thorough, that one could read 10 pages of CliffsNotes rather than 100 pages of To Kill a Mockingbird and be able to pass the quiz and participate in class. For some students, the CliffsNotes became a way of passing the test without doing all the work.

            Apparently this form of cheating was such a problem that CliffsNotes began to publish a disclaimer in each book saying the study guide was not intended to replace the original work. Their stated goal was to help readers get the most out of Pride and Prejudice, for example, and not to be used as a substitute for reading Jane Austen’s work.

            Today on the CliffsNotes website there is an article called “Cheating With CliffsNotes?” which contains the line “CliffsNotes is a reference companion to the original, not a replacement for the full book, play or poem.” They then quote their founder, Cliff Hillegass, as having “always said, ‘A thorough appre

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