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Reading: John 14:15–21
RCL: Easter 6  LFM: Easter 6  BCP: Easter 6  LSB: Easter 6 Legend
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You Are Not Alone


When Jesus was nearing death, he promised that the Holy Spirit would come to the disciples. Jesus would not leave them orphaned. The Spirit is with us today as well, both in our pain and in our joys.

            Several months ago, on the day that the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were attacked, a group of people gathered at their church to respond to that tragedy. The sanctuary was quiet, dark, solemn. People from that congregation were there, people from other churches came, and some who had no church came; it didn’t matter.

            They came horrified, fearful, upset, in need.

            They came for many reasons ― to be with each other, to be in a church, to pray, but most of all they came to be in the presence of God at that horrific moment in our history. They came, filled with anxiety, to find comfort from God.

            Some stayed in the worship area for quite a while after the service was over, continuing to pray and spend time surrounded by the Spirit of God. The people from that church who participated still remember it as a comforting and powerful time.

            In each of our lives there are times when we can sense the Spirit of God so clearly that it is palpable ― we can almost reach out and touch it. In times when we struggle to find comfort and calm, the Spirit of God touches our lives and gives us strength.


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