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Reading: John 6:51–58
LFM: Corpus Christi  Legend
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Finding the Body of Christ


We often use the word “body” in relation to other persons in ways that reflect a connection or lack of connection to them — a nobody, an anybody or a somebody. If we are truly seeking the body of Christ, however, we are likely to find it whenever, in amazement and welcome, we say to someone, “You are something else!”

            On this feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, the question we might ask ourselves is: Where can we find the body of Christ among all the other bodies in this world? Will we find Jesus among the nobodies or the anybodies or the somebodies?


The nobodies

            Consider first the nobodies. Is this where we are to find the body of Christ? Who are the nobodies? These are the bodies we see through, around and above but we do not see them. We turn our eyes or look the other way or pretend they aren’t there. They are all over the place, in plain sight, though often, we don’t “see” them.

            Among them are the homeless ones. They have slipped through the cracks or fallen on hard times: often men, women and children spending endless days and nights moving from shelter to shelter.

            Some of the homeless nobodies are veterans who have fought in past and present wars. Although veterans make up only 11 percent of the population in this country, one in four homeless persons in the United States is a veteran. As many as 1,000 are from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Thousands of veterans experience homelessness each year. And thousands of them wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan

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