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Reading: Matthew 16:13–20
RCL: Proper 16  LFM: Ordinary Time 21  BCP: Proper 16  LSB: Pentecost 13 Legend
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Jesus Trusts the Church with the Keys


When Jesus gives the keys of the kingdom to Peter, and by extension to the church, Jesus entrusts the church with the ministry of participating in the redeeming work that God has done and is doing in all creation. This promise sustains us in rough times, and encourages us when we see the fruit of our ministry.

            What are some of the high points of being part of this church? I hope the worship services fall under that category. Maybe you would say wrapping up a mission project. We look back at it and feel good about the people we helped. Would we count an experience with the children or youth as a high point of our involvement in this church? Vacation Bible School or some such thing? We see the spark in their eyes, and joy rushes over us. We pray that something we did took root in their souls and will grow to produce fruit. Let us think for a moment about the joyous, victorious parts of our time at this church.

            Now, we can look at the flip side. What makes up the low points of our involvement in this church? Would the meetings every year to try to raise the budget for our ministry be one of those low points? Perhaps when we see an argument erupt, and someone leaves because of the argument — this would be a drag on our spirits at the church.

            I wonder if we ever look at the evil and suffering in the world and feel despair that we can’t seem to do much about it. The evil and suffering seem so strong, so persistent. Maybe the flip side of that is that coming to church provides a respite from the evil of the world. The despair over the evil of the world is a low point, but the sense of sanctuary here at this church is a high point.


Spiritual low points


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