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Reading: Matthew 22:34–46   (Verses 34–40 for LFM)
RCL: Proper 25  LFM: Ordinary Time 30  BCP: Proper 25  Legend
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What’s Love Got to Do With It? Only Everything


When Jesus is asked what the greatest commandment is, he lists not one but two having to do with love. But is a life of faith really two-step simple? And what happens when we discover that love inevitably leads to pain?

            In our American culture, we seem to like things simplified. Many people, for instance, would rather read the CliffsNotes than the whole book. And for those who still read newspapers, often just the superficial headlines will do.

            Not just Americans feel this way, either. Perhaps you’ve heard the possibly apocryphal story of the television reporter who covered the story of Moses coming down from the mountain bearing the Ten Commandments. Here was the opening line of what that reporter told viewers: “Moses today revealed 10 commandments from God, the three most important of which are ....”

            You can imagine that, right?

            Well, in the passage from Matthew that we read today, a legal expert wants Jesus to boil down the Torah to just one commandment or law. It seems at first like a silly request, given the length and complexity of the entirety of the Hebrew Bible. But Jesus not only is up to the task, he goes the extra mile by also offering what he calls the second most important commandment. Beyond that, Jesus asserts that not just the law but also the prophets all depend on the two commands he mentions, which I now will further simplify into just four words: Love God, love neighbor.

            This sermon could end right here, but to do so would be to cave in to the temptation to oversimplify the Bible. The reality is that there is much richness in these two commands, and we should explore how grasping some of that depth can guide us so that we can be the kind of disciples of Christ we are called to be.


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