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Reading: John 20:19–31
RCL: Easter 2  LFM: Easter 2  BCP: Easter 2  LSB: Easter 2 Legend
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What Jesus Really Said


Jesus didn’t appear to his disciples on Easter with a superhero “I’m back!” speech or a putdown of those who had abandoned him. Instead, it was with a message of peace and forgiveness. He had been crucified because he didn’t behave and speak as people wanted him to, and when he rose from the dead, he didn’t speak as people might have feared he would. His cross and resurrection mean the dethroning of our idols and the possibility of genuine faith in the true God. They mean our reconciliation with God.

            It’s a familiar story that we hear every year at this time. On the evening of the first Easter, the fearful disciples were gathered in a room with all the doors locked, and suddenly Jesus stood among them. He said, “I’m back — and boy, did they pick the wrong man to crucify this time! Now I’ll show them what happens when you mess with the Son of God. Strap on your swords, boys! This is a holy war! Slaughter the infidels!”

            No, wait. That’s not it. How did that go? Oh, yes. Jesus said, “A fine bunch of disciples you guys are! Ran out on me at the first sign of trouble. Peter, you denied that you even knew me! You’re no good to me. I’m through with all of you.”

            No, that’s not it either. Actually, what Jesus said was “Peace be with you.”            But those first two responses might not surprise you if you were hearing the story for the first time. They’re kind of what we’d expect. The gods of the old myths or today’s superheroes get knocked down but they come back and finish off the bad guys. It’s pretty much the standard way to tell god stories or superhero stories because it’s what we want to hear.


The unexpected thing

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