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Reading: John 2:13–22   (Verses 13–25 for LFM)
RCL: Lent 3  LFM: Lent 3  BCP: Lent 3  LSB: Lent 3 Legend
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Primary Tasks


Jesus found the temple turned into a market. Is that what the church is supposed to be? Jesus said the church is his Father’s house where he is to be worshiped.

The New York Times ran an article last August1 with the title, “Now Arriving at Pittsburgh International: Fracking.” The article reported how Pittsburgh International will join several other airports throughout the United States, including Dallas-Fort Worth and Denver, in permitting fracking under its property. Pittsburgh International management hopes to alleviate some of the airport’s huge financial problems (42 percent of its yearly budget of $91 million now is going toward paying on its debt) and expects to see as much as $20 million each year from gas and oil royalties.

            There are environmental concerns about the fracking process, including whether or not it will lead to increased seismic activity and increased threat to water supplies. But regarding fracking under airports specifically, another concern is whether they should be doing this at all. Doesn’t this diminish the effectiveness of airports’ main business? It’s a legitimate question, and the debate about all of this is sure to go on for years.

            The debate about fracking at airports can be likened to debates taking place in churches across the country. What is the church’s primary task? What happens if the church goes in too many directions at the same time? When does the church need to say “no” to some good things (and some not-so-good things) so it can do the most important things with excellence and vision?

            Jesus encountered similar questions and circumstances 2,000 years ago.


Jesus’ journey to the temple

            John’s gospel is quite different from the other three. Bypassing birth-of-Jesus stories, John announces that the Word became flesh. He then gives the testimony of John the Baptist, followed by the calling of the first disciples (Andrew, Simon Peter, Philip and Nathanael). Then, in chapter 2, Joh

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