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Reading: Mark 8:31–38
LSB: Lent 2 Legend
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You Think They Would Give Good People a Break


On the way to the cross, Jesus helps his disciples understand that death and dying are part of life. We must incorporate this reality into our lives in order to be fully faithful to our calling.

            In the long running television series M*A*S*H, a constant verbal battle raged between Hawkeye and Frank Burns. Hawkeye was cynical, razor-tongued and unrepentantly non-conformist. Frank was all-military, pressed and starched, and hypercritical of everyone around him, especially his subordinates. As is often true for the hypercritical, Frank was not very self-reflective.

            In one episode the camp is under siege by a sniper. As bullets fly back and forth across the compound, Hawkeye and Frank have a moment to discuss the persistent presence of death, especially in times of war. At one point Hawkeye says, “Everyone dies, Frank.” To which Frank replies, “You think they’d give officers a break.”

            The absurdity of the remark is what makes it funny. Why would officers be singled out as deserving a special dispensation from death? There is a strong hint of self-righteousness in the thought, not to mention an inflated sense of self-importance. It’s almost as if Frank thought enlisted personnel were expendable while officers were not.

            The sentiment might also be indicative of a deeper motive. Underneath the absurd notion that officers should be exempt from death, is perhaps the not so absurd idea that no one wants to die. In fact, because death is so persistent and frightening, many times we seek ways to avoid even thinking about it. We also try to take steps to avoid it happening to us. We try to live our lives so that death cannot or does not touch us.

            It’s almost as if we were willing to say in regard to death, “You think they would give good people a break.”


Or at least give the Messiah a break

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