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Reading: Matthew 11:2–11
RCL: Advent 3  LFM: Advent 3  BCP: Advent 3  LSB: Advent 3 Legend
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What Difference Did Jesus Make?


When we are disappointed by the tenacity of evil, we can trust that God continues to heal and renew.

We might call it a “Dorothy” moment. We pull the curtain back to find that the person we trusted, the one we depended on, the one who raised our hopes, has let us down. We endured the dangers and journey of the “yellow brick road” because we believed someone’s advice or teaching or wisdom. But then we find out we don’t really know someone we thought we knew. Dorothy pulled back the curtain to find a befuddled, helpless old man. We may experience more than disappointment. We may have our faith truly crushed by betrayal. Our Dorothy moment may come in the mug shot of a hero splashed across the newspaper. It may come in the realization of the weakness of someone we considered strong. It may come in the confession of the beloved pastor, hanging his head, announcing resignation surrounded by scandal. Just like in The Wizard of Oz, we don’t want to believe what we see or hear. “How could this happen?” we stammer to no one.


John mistaken?

            Our text raises the possibility that John fears he might have a Dorothy moment and that his hopes might crumble. Not long before, John had preached with bold certainty that God would send one who would clear the threshing floor, gather the wheat and burn the chaff.1 Did the fiery prophet hold his breath for a warrior? Anyone who would call the Pharisees and Sadducees a “brood of vipers”2 took a gamble. Did John count on God’s coming judgment to back him up? If John belonged with the Essenes — a sect of Jews who lived apart from others — he would have hated the Romans, but would he have wanted to grab his sword and go to war? The Essenes seemed simply to want to get away and form an independent community. Did John more likely want a Messiah who would bring God’s judgment, a final spiritual battle that would transform everything, with thos

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