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Reading: Matthew 5:13–16
LFM: Ordinary Time 5  Legend
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What Can You Do For God?


“Am I my brother’s keeper?” Cain’s question of God has been answered affirmatively by Christians for 2,000 years. God’s challenge to Cain to care for his brother is renewed by Jesus, who asked us to be salt and light to our world. We need to do God’s work by assisting others.

Traveling along Massachusetts Route 24, which connects Fall River to Boston, you pass a blue water tower that proclaims Brockton, Massachusetts, “The City of Champions.” The sign refers to an earlier period in the city’s history when it proudly boasted boxing champions Rocky Marciano and Marvin Hagler as favorite native sons. Like many cities, Brockton has recently suffered setbacks in its downtown district. The problems of urban America are no stranger to Brockton, but the city still is a place of champions, only the name and focus have changed.
     Brockton is the home base for “My Brother’s Keeper,” a service organization that aides the poor, distressed and marginalized in society. Social service agencies are common in our land due to the legions of problems that exist, but there is something special about “My Brother’s Keeper” that makes it a true champion, a true patron of the human spirit. The main function of this agency, organized a decade ago by Jim and Terry Orcutt, is to provide used but serviceable furniture to those who have a need. Over the years “My Brother’s Keeper” has expanded its operation from a family garage to a full warehouse and from furniture to household necessities and food.
     Why is “My Brother’s Keeper” a champion among social service agencies? Many organizations provide similar service and assist those in need. “My Brother’s Keeper” is a champion not so much for what it does, although that is significa

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