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Reading: Luke 12:13–21
RCL: Proper 13  LFM: Ordinary Time 18  BCP: Proper 13  LSB: Pentecost 9 Legend
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Being a Christian When the Sun Shines


It would seem that faith should be easier when our lives are untroubled, but sometimes we actually take our faith for granted during good times. It’s wise to be as attentive to our faith in good times as in bad, because the easier periods let us build the faith resources we need for when difficulties come. Periods of personal blessings do give us a hint of life as God intends it, and in such times, we can also gain strength to help those who are having it rough. Further, we need to tend our faith in good times because contentment often breeds discontent. The final lesson is that our changing circumstances are no measure of our need for God, nor of his love for us.

How’s your life been this year?

That’s a question has particular resonance in a year that began with Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan admitting that the economy could be stagnating. We’ve heard words like "downturn," "recession" and "unemployment." The stock market too has taken some wild plunges. Some of us now look at our 401k plans with dismay. A lot of pension plans had healthy balances at the start of 2000, but by the opening of 2001, they were worth a lot less. In the months since, some financial ground may have been regained, but by many standards, the high-times bubble has burst.

But maybe not at your house. For many of us, the doom-and-gloom talk goes on only as a backdrop to our lives. It may have little actual effect on us if things are going okay in our personal situation. Sure, your investments may have taken a hit, but unless you are cashing them in this year, the loss is still just on paper. And if you are working, then the unemployment rate at your house is zero, as good as it can be. If our circumstances are pretty good, then that’s the indicator that counts.

Despite local and nationwide calamities, there are always some of us for whom things are going well. A young woman talking to a friend recently said, "You know, I’ve been pretty lucky -- no, not lucky, blessed. I have good parents. I have happy relations at home and a nice husband. All but one of my grandparents are living, and I am in good health myself. I have a lot to be thankful for." Many of us, too, if we take the time to count our blessings, are able to say something similar. And even if we happen to going through a rough spot at the moment, we can often look back at long periods of smooth sailing.


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